

Interactive showcase
Transparent interactive display that allows users to see a real product, in this case a Guess handbag, and at the same time to interact with digital contents that appear on the touchscreen showcase. By touching the surface users can choose to receive further information on the product, to discover the colours range of the handbag, to get suggestions on the possible looks and matches and to purchase the item online through a link to the e-commerce of the brand.
The showcase can be placed on an aluminium structure covered with fabric or can be inserted in a fabric wall, that can be back-lit or not. In both cases the covering is printed and customised with the brand communication.

The showcase won the first prize in the shop fitting category of the Premio DIVA 2018 and it was displayed at the 1P/Primo Piano stand in the 2018 Forum Retail.
Watch the video of the interactive showcase at the Premio DIVA >
Watch the video of the interactive showcase at the Forum Retail >


Interactive fittings